Tohoku University will be hosting the 8th German-Japanese University Presidents' Conference from September 9-10, 2021, under the auspices of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Tokyo.
The theme for the conference is "How universities can contribute to building healthy, safe and resilient societies."
This digital two-day event will gather presidents, researchers and students from all six of the German-Japanese University Network, known as HeKKSaGOn: Heidelberg University, Kyoto University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Tohoku University, University of Göttingen and Osaka University.
There will be a meeting of the presidents, an academic conference, a virtual poster session by early-career researchers and a plenary session.
The academic conference is open to the general public and anyone who is interested is welcome to attend. A link to the live broadcast will be announced in early September.
All other events are for members of HeKKSaGOn universities only, and registration before September 3 is required.
Date: September 9 - 10, 2021
Time (on both days): 3:30 - 7 p.m. (JST), 8:30 a.m.-12 noon (in Germany)
Venue: Online
Language: EnglishTo register (HeKKSaGOn members only):
Registration deadline: September 8
HeKKSaGOn was established in July 2010 to promote collaborative research, as well as researcher and student mobility among its members. The six universities take turns to host the university presidents' conference. Tohoku University last hosted the event in 2015.
For more information about the network:
For more information about the 2021 Conference:
Tohoku University Global Engagement Division
Tel: +81 22 217-5578