The Counsellor for Science, Technology and Innovation at the Embassy of Canada to Japan, Mr. Nadin Nanji, visited Tohoku University and met with Executive Vice President (EVP) Toshiya Ueki. Mr. Nanji was accompanied by the Canadian embassy's Trade Commissioner for Information and Communications Technologies, Mr. Kojiro Ichikawa.
EVP Ueki gave Mr. Nanji and Mr. Ichikawa an overview of Tohoku University, its international initiatives, and its exchanges with academic institutions in Canada, citing the short-term exchange program with the University of Waterloo as one example. This program, which has been in operation since 2016, and has helped cultivate an international mindset among the participating students, added EVP Ueki.
Mr. Nanji talked about the Canadian government's recent interests in the fields of science and technology. He iterated that the Canadian government places importance on its collaborations with Japan, highlighting the Canada's National Research Council (NRC) Japan office, which is located in Tokyo and works closely with both countries to promote researcher exchanges.
After meeting with EVP Ueki, Mr. Nanji and Mr. Ichikawa visited the Advanced Institute for Materials Research and toured NanoTerasu, the next-generation synchrotron radiation facility located on the new extension of Tohoku University's Aobayama Campus.
It is hoped that this visit will contribute to the further development of collaborations between Tohoku University and academic institutions in Canada.
Global Affairs Department, Global Engagement Division