Tohoku University and the National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST) hosted the 6th Aoba Summit and International Forum for Innovation in Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation (SR) on January 15 in Sendai City.

The event marked the first gathering of members from the world's leading synchrotron radiation (SR) facilities since the official opening of NanoTerasu Synchrotron Light Source on Tohoku University's Aobayama campus last April.
NanoTerasu - the first facility in Japan to use a fourth-generation light source - is supported by a public-private regional partnership, and is the centrepiece of a 40,000m2 Science Park that Tohoku University hopes will be an international hub for advanced science and technology research.

In his opening address, Tohoku University President Teiji Tominaga spoke of the critical juncture facing SR facilities worldwide and the need to reimagine their roles in addressing global challenges. He highlighted the university's recent designation as Japan's first University for International Research Excellence, underscoring its dedication to innovation across various fields, including SR science.
"We must balance open innovation with IP protection and establish fair access to facilities while developing effective data management strategies," Tominaga said, emphasizing the importance of building a strong research ecosystem that maximizes the potential impact of SR facilities across disciplines and geography.

In a video message from Tokyo, Director-General of Japan's Science and Technology Policy Bureau Yuichi Inoue praised the contributions of SR facilities and noted the potential of NanoTerasu to advance both academic research and industrial innovation. "Its corporate use has already produced many excellent results. And in March, its public use will begin operations which will lead to the further progress of science and technology."
The forum's morning session of lectures and discussions focused on Japan's SR developments. It was chaired by QST President Shigeo Koyasu, who highlighted the global shift to fourth-generation light sources and their expanded applications in academic and industrial sectors.

RIKEN Director Tetsuya Ishikawa spoke on "Green Innovation" at Spring-8/SACLA and provided early plans of the SPring-8-II upgrade project, due to be completed in 2029.
There was also a status report on NanoTerasu's first year of operations (described as "smooth progress"), and presentations on various updates including the NanoTerasu/Coalition business model, showcasing how it enables industry translations and leverages computational science to boost problem-solving efforts.

The afternoon session broadened the scope, exploring the future roles of SR facilities in response to global changes. Representatives from international facilities such as SOLEIL, APS, ESRF, and Diamond Light shared recent developments and discussed strategies for innovation within international collaborations.
The event concluded with the closed-door Aoba Summit, where major global SR facilities and stakeholders discussed collaborative efforts to address global issues through enhanced partnerships among universities, industries and SR facilities.

In a notable side event, Jerome Hastings of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory received the Tohoku University Special Award or his contributions to the realisation of NanoTerasu. Hastings, who was also conferred the title of Tohoku University Specially Appointed Visiting Professor, noted the strong synergy between NanoTerasu and Tohoku University.

"The proximity of a facility like NanoTerasu to a world-class university is crucial to its ongoing success, development and creativity," Hastings remarked.
"The extra support that Tohoku University recently received from the Japanese government will further enhance collaborative opportunities with scientific communities, making this a really exciting place for synchrotron radiation research going forward."
Next Generation Synchrotron Radiation Facility Utilization Support Office
Tohoku University Research Promotion Division
Tel: +81-22-217-5670